
Curriculum Vitae Preparation Advice

Ahlia University

Recruiters spend only 6 seconds scanning each CV. So the very first impression is key. If you submit a neat, properly organized document, you’ll convince the recruiters to spend more time on your CV.

Remember, it is important that you tailor your CV to the job you are applying to! So yes, you will need to create several versions of your CV where each elaborates on the side of your professional and academic achievements needed in the targeted job position.

Note: It is good to read about the job you are applying for (job description or summary) to help you tailor your CV to its requirements

Divide your CV into the following sections:

  • CV Header with Contact Information: This section goes at the top of your CV. Here you include your full name, professional title (if applicable), email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile (make sure you have one), and your address.

Note: Make sure your LinkedIn profile information match that on your CV!

  • CV Objective: This section comes right after the CV header. A CV objective is suitable for a student CV as it shows what skills you’ve mastered and how you’d fit in, and it’s a good choice if you’ve got little work experience relevant to the job you’re trying to land.
  • Work Experience: Read the job description carefully and check what tasks will be expected of you. If you’ve done them before, put them on your CV, even if those weren’t your primary responsibilities.
  • work experience, then put your education section above your work experience. Also elaborate a bit more on your academic experience. Include, for instance: Your dissertation/graduation project title, your fvourite fields of study, relevant course titles to the job you are applying to, your best academic achievements (such as course projects or relevant coursework), and make sure to mention your extracurricular academic activities (if any).
  • Skills: The skills you decide to include on your CV have to be relevant to the job you’re trying to land. When you list your skills, add a short description of each to indicate your level of proficiency. For example “Excellent,” “Advanced,” or “Basic.”

Additional Sections: If you are writing a student CV (with limited/no work experience), then you can add extra information related to your achievements during university studies. These could be for example: Volunteer experience, hobbies and interests, relevant course projects you worked on, freelance work and/or internships, academic achievements, and personal blog.

(For more details on how to prepare your CV, visit:


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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