
Curriculum Vitae Builder

Ahlia University

The CV builder is a smart function on ADREG that is designed to assist students in generating a model Curriculum Vitae to use when applying for internship, employment, etc. Students are encouraged to utilise this ADREG facility to develop their CV overtime, by plugging in their co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, achievements and awards, in the CV builder to develop their CV and reflect on their personal and professional development.

Parts of sections 1, 3, & 6 are automatically generated using the students’ details stored in ADREG. Students are encouraged to fill out the remaining sections that are not generated by ADREG to complete their CVs.


1. General Information

Generated by ADREG, the General Information section is composed of basic data and contact details of the student: Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Mobile, E-mail & Photo.

2. Professional Profile

A short summary that serves as a professional introduction to your CV. It allows applicants to provide a description that highlights their work experience, achievements, skills, and career goals. Use this section to highlight your best qualities in three to four sentences.

3. Education & Qualifications

The Education & Qualifications section provides a brief overview of one’s education, studies, and qualifications to date. It is generally automatically by ADREG, however, students can add more academic information by downloading and manually expanding on their academic history. The latest and most current qualifications should be listed at the top.

4. Career History

This section provides a brief history of your previous employment and jobs that you have worked in. It allows employers to have a quick glance of what work you have done before, where you have done it, and when you have done it. The section is not generated by ADREG, thus, you have to fill it out by yourself. The latest and most current employment should be listed at the top. It is recommended to add some brief bullet points highlighting the main roles, responsibilities, projects and tasks handled.

5. Personal & Professional Development

This section is to showcase skill(s) development, professional (non-academic) qualifications, and continuous professional development (CPD) activities. Professional skills can be acquired through engaging in competitions, student clubs and associations, or through co-curricular activities such as attending a workshop or conference. Personal development refers to creative endeavors and extra-curricular activities including hobbies, sports, and volunteer work. This section must be completed by students through manual entry and can assist them in displaying their most unique traits.

6. Skills

The Skills section comprises a self-rating scale on the CV Builder that rates certain practical skills useful within the work environment. By default, ADREG will develop ratings for certain skills based on your grades from the corresponding courses (ENGL XXX, ARAB XXX, and ITCS XXX). For the remaining skills not automatically by ADREG, you may give a rating using your own honest judgement.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start working on my CV?

You should start working and updating your CV Builder profile from the first year of your undergraduate study. It is never too early to start. You should have a professional CV ready for internships as well as other student programmes such as the Study Abroad & Exchange.

I already have a CV? Do I still need to update by CV Builder?

It is recommended that you still update your CV Builder even if you already have a self-built CV. The CV Builder can still be a useful tool to monitor and track your own personal and professional development. Additionally, you may want to cross-reference important skills and other aspects, which you have gathered during your undergraduate studies.

Should I use the model CV generated by the CV Builder for job applications?

While the CV Builder generates a readymade CV, it is not tailored for a particular job. However, the model CV generated by the CV Builder can be used a basis for students to customise and expand their CVs in order to match a job description.

How can I save or download the CV from CV Builder?

Scroll down to the bottom of the CV Builder webpage and click on “Save” your additions. Click on “PDF” or “Word” to download a soft copy in the PDF or Word file formats.

How can I add a new section on the CV Builder?

You are encouraged to download the CV from the CV Builder to modify to expand where suitable. Using the CV Builder as a basis, you may create multiple different CVs tailored for different job applications.

Where can I get guidance on how to complete the CV Builder?

Students can get guidance on how to fill out their CV Builder by visiting or contacting Career Counselling under the Directorate of Professional Relations or by seeking out their academic advisor.


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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