
Master of Science in Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems (MITLS)

College of Engineering
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The Master of Science in Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems (MITLS) programme is designed to match with international standards and requirements pertaining to logistic systems and digitalized solutions. The academic programme aims to produce highly qualified professionals and leaders in the dynamic and cutting-edge field of intelligent transportation and logistics. The design of the academic programme is carefully crafted to integrate technology into transportation and logistics systems, with a focus on skills to support increasing efficiency, safety, mobility, and customer satisfaction. The programme is aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals towards maintaining sustainable cities and communities by covering topics related to Urban Mobility and Smart Cities, Smart digitized tools using data analytics and automated vehicles connected to smart cities

Programme Aims

  • Equip learners with critical knowledge of the ICT tools, methods, and trends in intelligent transport systems towards efficient solutions.
  • Acquire professional level of skills to integrate digitization and automation technologies into advanced planning methods in transport and logistics systems.
  • Use combination of approaches with creativity to apply statistical and computational techniques in transportation and logistics engineering.
  • Equip learners with professional level of skills to solve within innovative insights complex real-world challenges related to transport and logistics systems.

Career And Learning Pathways

  • Logistics Specialist.
  • Transportation Specialist.
  • Senior ITS Engineer.
  • Intelligent Transport System (ITS).
  • Transportation Engineers.
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
  • Logistic Coordinator.

And by adding the following statement, Learners graduating from this qualification could proceed to future studies including PhD or Professional Certification in the field such as “ASCM Certified in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution (CLTD) and ASCM Certified Supply Chain Professional certification (CSCP).

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1.   Concepts and theories

Demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of concepts and required theories of mathematics, science, and engineering essential for a specialization of intelligent transport and logistics systems.

A2.  Contemporary trends, problems and research

Apply standard research to in relation to contemporary issues and techniques in the field of intelligent transport and logistics systems.

A3. Professional responsibility

Operate with professional responsibility in solving solutions related to transport and logistics field as an intelligent transport and logistics systems specialist.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lectures, group discussions, independent learning

Assessment Methods

Examinations (assignment, tests, research project, final exam)

B. Subject-specific skills

B1. Problem solving

Use professional skills to solve complex problems germane to intelligent transport and logistics systems

B2. Modeling and Design

Demonstrate creativity in designing engineering experiments using hardware/software method to solve complex situations.

B3. Application of methods and tools

Apply professional tools to support the field of intelligent transport and logistics systems.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lectures, group discussions, independent learning, in-lab session

Assessment Methods

Examinations (assignment, tests, practical research project, final exam)

C. Critical-Thinking Skills

C1. Analytical

use a combination of approaches to critical analyze specific intelligent solutions with a view to practical implementation in intelligent transport and logistics systems

C2. Synthetic

Integrate information and concepts within the common understating of transport and logistics systems concepts to generate cogent conclusion with respect to theoretical and practical issues encountered in intelligent transport and logistics systems

C3. Creative

Demonstrate insight and innovation in implementing complex and sustainable transport and logistics solutions.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lectures, group discussions, independent learning, in-lab session

Assessment Methods

Examinations (assignment, tests, practical research project, final exam)

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication

Demonstrate in-depth knowledge to express and communicate ideas cogently, persuasively, and effectively, in written and oral presentation.

D2.  Teamwork and leadership

Operate at a professional level with substantial responsibility for the work of individuals and groups.

D3.  Organizational and developmental skills

Operate with substantial responsibility in life-long and development to hone professional and organizational skills.

D4. Ethics and social responsibility

Demonstrate insight into ethical dimensions of engineering and the role of the engineer as a positive agent of societal improvement in socioeconomic contexts at the local, regional and international level.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Oral Inquiry, Group In-class supervised work, independent learning

Assessment Methods

Oral participations, essay-based exams, lab reports, group project, research projects.

Programme Structure

The MITLS programme comprises 36 credit hours distributed as follows: 18 hours core courses, 6 hours electives. In addition, MITLS students may opt for either OPTION 1 DISSERTATION [12 credits] or OPTION 2 APPLIED PROJECT [6 credits] as classified in the study plan.

Course title Credit hours
Core Courses
Fundamentals of Intelligent Transport and Logistics Systems 3
Optimization Techniques in Transport and Logistics 3
Urban Mobility and Smart Cities 3
Geographical Information Systems for Transportation 3
Mobile and Network Communication for Transport System 3
Research Methodology 3
Elective Courses  
Internet of Things 3
Innovation Project Management 3
Traffic and Transport Safety 3
Supply Chain Logistics 3
Transportation Policy, Strategy and Regulations 3
Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Cities 3
Connected and Automated Vehicles 3
Dissertation in Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems* 12
Applied Project in Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems** 6
*   OPTION 1 DISSERTATION [12 credits] and two Major electives   ** OPTION 2 APPLIED PROJECT [6 credits] and four Major electives

Entry Requirements

Admission to Ahlia University (AU) is selective based on academic achievements. Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality, physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit.

General Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission to the postgraduate programmes, applicants must meet the entry requirements set by the university in-line with Bahrain Higher Education Council requirements. All applicants must hold a recognised and endorsed secondary school certificate or its equivalent, and a recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree. All postgraduate applicants will be interviewed by the programme committee. Only successful applicants in the interview will be considered for admission. 

Programme Specific Requirements

In addition to the general admission requirements, applicants who meet the following programme specific admission requirements will be admitted to the Master’s degree in Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems (MITLS):

Required Specialisation

Recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in the following disciplines:

– Engineering
– Information Technology
– Science
– Business
– Economics
– Planning
– Transportation
– Logistics
– Any other Intelligent Transportation and/or Logistics
related disciplines

Applicants who hold a recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree in any other discipline other than the ones mentioned above, may be accepted in the programme subject to passing the interview at the programme level and successful completion of the Foundation Courses.

Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA)

Minimum CGPA normally required at the Bachelor’s Degree ≥ 2.5 or its equivalent.

Applicants with CGPA lower than 2.5 but > 2.0 or its quivalent at the Bachelor’s Degree level, maybe be considered for admission subject to passing the interview at the programme level and successful completion of the Foundation Courses.

Passing an InterviewAll applicants must pass an interview.
Work Experience and Professional Courses/Certificates

Applicants who hold a recognized bachelor’s degree in disciplines other than the ones mentioned above and have work experience of at least one year and/or has professional certificate related to the field of transportation and logistics, maybe exempted from the foundation courses and accepted directly to the programme.

Work experience and professional courses/certificates in transport and logistics company/organization or related disciplines will be an added advantage.

Transferred StudentsApplicants transferring from other postgraduate programmes will be subject to the above admission criteria and may receive exemption from equivalent courses completed in their former programme in line with Ahlia University External Transfer Policy.
Language Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate a level of English proficiency consistent with the demands of an academic programme taught and assessed almost exclusively in the English language. This can be done in one of the following ways:

    • Attainment of an acceptable score on an internationally recognized examination of English language proficiency, typically either IELTS or TOFEL.
    • Passing the University English language placement test.
TOEFL≥ 550 or its equivalent
IELTS≥ 6.0 or its equivalent
Pass English Placement Test≥ 70%

The Final admission will be based on the merit list of the applicants.

Master Degree Graduation Requirements

To earn a Master’s degree from Ahlia University, a student must complete thirty-six (36) credit hours.  The MITLS programme consists of Twenty-four (24) credit hours comprising a combination of core courses [eighteen (18) credit hours] and elective courses [six (6) credit hours].  For the remaining twelve (12) credit hours, the student may opt for either a dissertation (Track 1) [12 credits], or an applied project (Track 2) [6 credits] with the completion of additional elective courses [six (6) credit hours]. 

The dissertations and applied projects must be in the area of the student’s specialization and are subject to a defence which includes an external examiner.  Each student undertaking a dissertation or an applied project will be assigned to an academic supervisor.  An internal examiner and one external examiner, together with the student academic supervisor shall normally participate in the public assessment of the dissertation defence.

Master’s degree candidates opting for the dissertation (Track 1) (12 credits) ought to register for the dissertation after the completion of the following:

  • At least 21 credit hours 
  • Research Methodology course with a minimum of “B” grade
  • Attaining a CGPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0.

Dissertation (Track 1) are graded on a Pass “P” / Fail “F” basis.  An “IG” grade which refers to (In Progress) is to be accorded to the student on an interim basis after the first semester, if the student has not completed the dissertation work and has a valid excuse.  This “IG” grade shall be changed to either “IP” or “IF” upon completion of the dissertation.  An “IW” grade is assigned if the student does not complete his/her dissertation within the period specified by the University, which is one academic semester.

Master’s degree candidates opting for the applied project (Track 2) (6 credits) ought to register for the applied project after the completion of the following:

  • At least 24 credit hours 
  • Research Methodology course with a minimum of “B” grade
  • Attaining a CGPA of at least 2.8 out of 4.0.

Applied Project (Track 2) grading is based on the ordinary letter grade system.

The graduation requirements to earn the Master’s degree from Ahlia University, the student must complete thirty-six (36) credit hours with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 or higher.

Postgraduate Tuition & Fees

Application Fee 40 BD
Registration Fee 300 BD
Foundation Courses (if applicable) 960 BD
Fee of 36 credit hours 7,920 BD

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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