
Career Counselling

Ahlia University

Employability Preparedness Questionnaire

The Career Counselling Unit provides guidance and support to students towards developing their employability skills and professional competencies through career counseling and advising on matters related to development of their career objectives, goals, or plans. Additionally, the unit periodically follows up on available and potential job vacancies in the public and private sectors and arranges for job interviews for students.

Ahlia University partners with many organizations across all fields in the public and private sectors. Our sector partners assist us by providing internship opportunities; hosting student field trips; helping us with workshops; and liaising over recruitment. In addition, they give support to student research projects; they deliver guest lectures and act as members of our college advisory boards. The Professional Relations Directorate is responsible for creating links between students and the job market and enhancing university-industry collaboration in support of graduate career development and the University’s employability goals.

Career Advice

Our career advising services aim to assist all students, throughout their study period at Ahlia, with their job search skills, identifying and working toward career goals, finding suitable careers or graduate school programs, getting referrals to employers, and boosting networking skills.

All our services are provided through in person meetings and online through email and MS Teams platforms.

Please use the form to book an appointment online or call us on 

CV Preparation Advice

Recruiters spend only 6 seconds scanning each CV. So the very first impression is key. If you submit a neat, properly organized document, you’ll convince the recruiters to spend more time on your CV.

CV Builder

The CV builder is a smart function on ADREG that is designed to assist students in generating a model Curriculum Vitae to use when applying for internship, employment, etc.

Job Interview Preparation Advice

Preparing for an interview primarily means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer.

Intern Nomination

An Internship programme as defined by the Ahlia INTR 400 course is a structured opportunity to incorporate academic, professional and personal skill development which enables the student to gain a planned and directed learning experience. It enables the student to integrate knowledge gained through their classroom learning with the competencies made available through actual experience in a professional setting.

Happy Woman Standing Near Box With Her Belongings In New Office

Ahlia Youth Connect

The program consists of a series of events involving different types of events (Field Trips – Workshops), and is designed to engage students with business and industry to prepare graduates for the job market. Events can be physical or virtual. Virtual events include recorded and interactive discussion boards with final assignments/projects and assessments to demonstrate mastery of learned concepts.

Timeline and duration

All program timelines follow the academic calendar. The first semester each academic year consists of multiple courses for each college.

How can you assist us?

We consider organizations as partners. We look forward to extending our cooperation further, and working together to prepare tomorrow’s leaders in different fields. Students are expected to gain exposure to real-world business issues, and learn from industry professionals on market trends, while simultaneously building awareness in relation to the job market and career opportunities.

What is the purpose of Ahlia Youth Connect?

Ahlia Youth Connect Playlist


The Events include among other activities:

  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Forums
  • Panel debates

Careers Day (2022)

Ahlia Youth Connect (2021): Opening Ceremony

Ahlia Youth Connect (2021): Day 13

Ahlia Youth Connect (2021): Day 12

Connect With Us

Career Counselling Unit

Ahlia University


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details