
Internal Audit Unit

Ahlia University

Welcome to the homepage for Ahlia’s University Internal Audit Unit. The purpose of these webpages is to convey brief information about the Unit as a useful guidance to all Ahlia University stakeholders. The pages are not intended to provide specific advice for any specific situation. The Unit is a service Unit whose mandate is to facilitate the enhancement of internal control system in the University. In performing our duties, the Unit emphasized on elements of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competency.

Internal Audit Unit is a supporting unit that aims to add value to the work, improve organization’s operations and help Directorates/Departments in achieving their goals and objectives effectively


Is to provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting services.


Provide the audit committee and all level of management with an independent assessment of the quality of internal controls and administrative processes, and suggest recommendations/corrective actions for continuous improvement.

The Internal audit process is divided into four phases. The process begins with the planning phase, under which the internal auditor determines the scope and objectives of the audit. Then, the fieldwork is executed resulting in audit findings and recommendations.
On frequent basis and upon reaching the pre-defined target dates, the internal auditor will conduct follow-up procedures to review actions taken toward previous audit observations.

Internal Audit of the University shall conduct its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors Standards for the professional practice of Internal auditing and its code of ethics.
Link: entrepreneurs.


An Internal Audit plan prepared in annual basis to highlight the various activities that need to be carried throughout the year.


The Institute of Internal Auditors defined the internal audit as independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations.  It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance process.

The internal audit considers whether the existing practices are helping the University manage its risks and meet its strategic objectives – it can cover operational as well as financial matters.

The Internal Audit Unit is uniquely qualified to assist Directorates/Departments and has extensive exposure to different Directorates/Departments, which provides them with an opportunity to relate their experience to any Directorate/ Department that is being audited.

Ultimately internal auditors report to the audit committee or the Board.

The Internal audit followed up on a case by case basis.  It can include looking to see whether recommendations have been implemented and/or consultative help to guide the implementation of previously given recommendations.

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Internal Audit Unit

Ahlia University


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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