
Meet Our Faculty

Ahlia University

Dr. Adnan Jabbar Radhi Al-Jubouri

Associate Professor

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  • Holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Aston University, UK (1987), awarded for his thesis ‘Computer-aided categorisation and quantification of connectives in English and Arabic (based on newspaper text corpora)’
  • Has written and presented a weekly TV programme for learners of English, aired nationally in Iraq
  • Was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation from Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education for Quality of Postgraduate Theses Supervision, 1995
  • Awarded Medal of the Government of Iraq for academic achievement through a Presidential decree in 1999


DrAdnan Jabbar Radhi Al-Jubouri holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics (Contrastive Textology) from Aston University, UK (1987) awarded for his thesis ‘Computer-aided categorisation and quantification of connectives in English and Arabic (based on newspaper text corpora)’. He also holds an MA in Linguistics & English Language Teaching from the University of Leeds, UK (1976); and a BA in English Language & Literature from the University of Baghdad (1967).

He started his career in 1967 as a teacher of English at secondary schools in Baghdad, Iraq. In 1974 he joined the Institute for the Development of English Language Teaching in Iraq (IDELTI) as a teacher trainer and language testing officer and was immediately appointed as a member of the National Committee for Writing New English Textbooks for Iraqi Schools. In 1977 he joined the University of Baghdad, first as assistant lecturer, then promoted to Lecturer (Iraqi HE equivalent of Assistant Professor). He was appointed Assistant Dean of IDELTI; then in 1989 he was appointed Chairman of the Department of English. He promoted to Associate Professor in 1990; and in 1991 he was appointed Director of the Speed Reading Unit; tasked with initiating the programme and designing the speed reading methodology & courses. He was later appointed Dean of College of Languages (1992 to 1994). In 2000, he joined the Hashemite University of Jordan; and in 2003 he joined the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Bahrain.

Dr Adnan joined Ahlia University in 2013, as an Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign languages of the College of Arts & Science.

He has extensive teaching experience English Language teaching and learning, language testing, discourse analysis and linguistics. He also has extensive experience as a textbook writer and his books were used nationally in schools and institutions throughout Iraq. He also has practical experience of syllabus design, material production and evaluation.

Dr Adnan’s experience includes participation in numerous academic and professional committees at university and national levels, including consultation work for various academic and government bodies, including:

  • writing all the national English placement tests for postgraduate studies applicants in Iraq (1991-2000)
  • appointed as member of the Higher Committee for University Examinations at the Ministry of Higher Education in Iraq (1997-2000)
  • consultancy on issues related to English for the Iraqi Ministers of Higher Education (1994-2000)
  • member of Quality Assurance Committee of the Department of English Language & Literature, University of Bahrain (2007-2013), including (a) detailed examination and assessment of the BA programme and other departmental academic activities (b) rewriting the department’s mission, vision, aims and strategies (c) preparing and applying all the necessary research tools leading to the collection, classification and presentation of data used for writing the department’s QA report

Other professional activities include:

  • Extensive experience of translating official documents (Arabic / English)
  • Writing and presenting a weekly TV programme for learners of English, aired nationally in Iraq (1973-1976)
  • Consultation on ESP syllabus design & material production, Foundation of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq (1978-1982)
  • Syllabus design, material production and teaching of different multi-level courses for the community, in Baghdad (1988-1994) and in Jordan (2000-2001)
  • Teaching English Business writing at Ahlia Training & Development Centre (ATDC), Ahlia University, 2013


  • Grant from ALECSO (Arab League’s Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation) to sponsor research on (“تعريب التعليم العام والعالي في العراق” – Arabisation of General and Higher Education in Iraq) (Paper based on this research was read at the conference on ( تعميم التعريب في الوطن العربي – Generalising Arabisation in the Arab World) held in Khartoum, 1998
  • Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education Certificate of Appreciation for Quality of Postgraduate Theses Supervision, 1995
  • Iraqi Minister of Higher Education’s Commendation for Academic Initiative. 1996
  • Commendation by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research awarded for membership of the Central Ministerial Examination Committee (on completing supervision of the ministerial examinations of Iraqi Universities 1997-1998) – awarded in 1999
  • Commendation by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research awarded for membership of the Central Ministerial Examination Committee (on completing supervision of the ministerial examinations of Iraqi Universities 1998-1999) – awarded in 2000
  • Medal of the Government of Iraq for academic achievement awarded by a Presidential decree in 1999

Papers and Presentations at Conferences

‘Research Performance in English within a Quality Assurance Perspective: Problems and Proposals for Enhancement’ paper read at the Second International Conference of the Department of English and Literature, University of Bahrain, April 2008

‘Reading efficiency’ paper read at the symposium on ‘Sharing Experiences: The Teaching of English Language and Literature’ held at the University of Bahrain, 15-16 April 2006.

‘CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning): Perspectives’. Paper read at the Workshop on ‘English Language Teaching: Problems and Solutions’ held at the Hashemite University, 22nd April 2002.

(With Maha D. Majeed) ‘Textual variations in English into Arabic rendition of news texts’. Paper read at the First Conference of the Association of Professors of English and Translation at Arab Universities held at the University of Jordan, Amman, August 2000.

(With Istiqlal Al-Marsoumi) ‘Using the Cloze Procedure for EFL teaching of reading comprehension’. Paper read at the second academic conference of Diyala College of Education (Diyala University, Baqouba, Iraq) 1998.

Arabisation of Education and Higher Education in Iraq – Text in Arabic, ALECSO conference on Generalising Arabisation in the Arab World held in Khartoum, 1998.

‘Teaching speed reading in Arabic’. Paper read at the first academic conference of Diyala College of Education (Diyala University, Baqouba, Iraq) 1997.

‘Connectives in English and Arabic: implications for teaching English written skills’. Paper read at the CILT conference on writing held at Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 1987.

Papers and Presentations at Seminars

‘Oddities of English Spelling’. Paper read at the Seminar of the College of Arts & Science, Ahlia University, 21 March 2016.


  • Al-Jubouri, Adnan J. R. and Frank Knowles (1988)  ‘A computer-assisted study of cohesion based on English and Arabic corpora: an interim report’ in John P.G. Roper (ed.) (1988) Computers in Literary and Linguistic Research: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), 1-4 April 1986, Paris-Geneva: Champion-Slatkine, pp. 59-77.
    Conference link / Research area: Computational linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics –  Contrastive Textology

Teaching Areas

  • Applied Linguistics
  • Modern Schools of Linguistics
  • Text Linguistics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • General Linguistics
  • Issues in Applied linguistics
  • Discourse Analysis Stylistics
  • English Grammar
  • Theories of language learning and language acquisition
  • Descriptive linguistic analysis
  • Psycholinguistics & Sociolinguistics
  • Phonetics & Phonology
  • Grammar1-4
  • Advanced Grammar
  • Syntax & Morphology
  • Linguistics
  • Contrastive Discourse Analysis
  • Introduction to Sociolinguistics
  • History of English
  • Stylistics
  • Methods of EFL
  • EFL Textbook Analysis
  • Writing
  • Advanced writing
  • Reading
  • Speed reading
  • Pronunciation & Speaking,
  • Translation 1 (English to Arabic)
  • Translation 2 (Arabic to English)
  • , Language Development courses I-V
  • English for IT (1)
  • English for IT (2)
  • English for Law (1)
  • English for Law (2)
  • English for Business
  • Readings in English Literature
  • EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Textbook
  • Analysis Methods of TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language)
  • English Language Testing
  • English Pronunciation for Practising
  • Teachers English Writing
  • General English (Pre-Intermediate Level)
  • General English (Intermediate Level)
  • General English (Upper-Intermediate Level)
  • General English (Advanced Level)
  • English (TOEFL Preparation)
  • English for Science and Technology
  • English for Business
  • Business Writing
  • Speed Reading
  • English for Specific Purposes (various sectors of government employees)

Research Areas

  • Text linguistics and discourse analysis (especially contrastive and intercultural studies, including those of contrastive rhetoric)
  • ELT (including ESP): syllabus design, material production and evaluation, methods of ELT, practical in-service and pre-service teacher training
  • Reading (including speed reading)
  • EFL testing
  • Corpus-based language research
  • English Grammar


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Building Capacity For Green Economy: The Role Of Islamic Finance

Prof. Amer Al-Roubaie

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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