
Dr Ugi Suharto, Assoc Prof. College of Business & Finance

Ahlia University


Suharto, U. (1998). A. Ben Shemesh’s Introductions in Taxation in Islam: Comments on His Sources and Interpretation. In al-Shajarah, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 35-55.
Suharto, U. (2001). Zakat as a Special Institution of Public Finance: Reflections from Kitab al-Amwal of Abu‚ ‘Ubayd (d. 224/838). In al-Shajarah, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 55-88.
Suharto, U. (May-June, 2002). Al-Attas dan al-Qaradawi Mengenai Islam dan Sekularisme [Al-Attas and al-Qaradawi on Islam and Secularism]. In Afkar, Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought (University of Malaya, Malaysia), pp. 143-164.
Suharto, U. (2002). The Sahifah of Hammam b. Munabbih and Its Contents in al-Musannaf of ‘Abd al-Razzaq (d. 211/862): A Preliminary Note on Motzki’s Origins. In al-Shajarah, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 153-179.
Suharto, U. (July, 2003). Apakah al-Qur’an Memerlukan Hermeneutik [Does the Qur’an Require a Philosophical Hermeneutics?] In Journal of Usuluddin (Akademi Pengajian Islam, University of Malaya), no. 17, pp. 123-136.
Suharto, U. (December, 2004).Paradigma Ekonomi Konvensional dalam Sosialisasi Ekonomi Islam [Conventional Economic Paradigm in Socializing Islamic Economics] In Journal of the Islamic Economic Forum for Indonesian Development (ISEFID Review) Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 40-61.
Suharto, U. (April 2005). Fondasi Epistemologi untuk Disiplin Ekonomi Islam: Satu Kajian Awal [Epistemological Foundation for Islamic Economic Discipline: A Preliminary Study]. In Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta – UMY), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 57-68.
Suharto, U. (April, 2013). Perpetual Sukuk: Is it an Asset Based or Asset Backed?” (Bahrain: In Proceedings of Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI) 12th Annual Shariah Conference), pp. 24-30.
Suharto, U. (2013). Contentious Sales in Islamic Banking and Finance: Analysis on Their Proximity to Riba” Tafhim: IKIM. In Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, Vol. 6, pp. 55-82.


Suharto, U. (2004). Keuangan Publik Islam: Reinterpretasi Zakat dan Pajak [Islamic Public Finance: Reinterpretation of Zakat and Taxation]. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah:Yogyakarta.
Suharto, U. (2005). Kitab al-Amwal: Abu ‘Ubayd’s Concept of Public Finance. ISTAC-IIUM: Kuala Lumpur.
Suharto, U. (2007). Pemikiran Islam Liberal – Pembahasan Isu-Isu Sentral [Islamic Liberal Thought: Discussion on Its Central Issues]. Dewan Pustaka Fajar: Shah Alam.


Suharto, U. (2005). Ahlul Bida’ Menggugat Otoritas Mushaf Utsmani dan Tafsir Qat’I [The Heretical Critics on The Authority of Uthmani Codex and the Quranic Commentary]. In Syamsul Hidayat dan Sudarno Shobron dalam (Ed.). Pemikiran Muhammadiyah: Respons Terhadap Liberalisasi Islam (pp. 85-107). Surakarta, Indonesia: Muhammadiyah University Press.
Suharto, U. (2005). Al-Attas dan al-Qaradhawi Mengenai Islam dan Sekularisme: Jawaban Tegas Dua Ilmuwan Islam Kontemporer [Al-Attas and al-Qaradawi on Islam and Secularism: A Clear Answer from Two Muslim Contemporary Scholars]. In Adian Husaini (Ed.). Islam Liberal, Pluralisme Agama, dan Diabolisme Intelektual (pp. 197-222). Surabaya (Indonesia): Risalah Gusti.
Suharto, U. (2006). Isu-Isu Sentral Dalam Pemikiran Islam Liberal: Kes Indonesia Dan Pengajarannya Untuk Malaysia [Central Issues of Liberal Islam: The Indonesian Case and Its Lesson for Malaysia] (pp. 1-28). In Ancaman Islam Liberal, Kota Bharu: Dian Darul Naim Sdn. Bhd.
Suharto, U. (2006). Turkiye ile Endonezya’nin Dis Ticaret Stratejileri ve Yatirim Imkanlari (Investment Opportunities and Foreign Trade Strategy of Indonesia and Turkey) (pp. 363-374). In Tasam Yavinlari Turkiye ve Asya Ulkeleri – Siyasi ve Ekonomik Iliskiler. Istanbul (Turkey).
Suharto, U. (2012) Ilmu Ekonomi Islam Sebagai Persepaduan Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Ilmu-Ilmu Agama Islam: Satu Pengamatan Ringkas (Islamic Economics as An Integration between Economics and Islamic Studies: A Brief Observation). In Mohd Zaidi Ismail and Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah (Eds.) Adab dan Peradaban (pp. 687 – 699). Malaysia: MPH Publishing.
Suharto, U. Introduction in Islamic Economics – Critical Concepts in Economics. (2014). In Shafiq Alvi and Amer Al-Roubaie (Eds.). Islamic Econommics, vol. III, pp. 1-2. London and New York: Routledge.


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