Featured News
IT Students Secure Third Place in the Huawei Regional Competition

Ahlia University Media Students Make a Strong Impact at Emirates Airline Festival of Literature 2025

Bahraini and Gulf Researchers Investigate the Role of Health, Psychological, and Educational Designs

Inaugurating the Interior Design Conference
Other News
Participation of Ahlia University in the employment exhibition at the Ministry of Labor
Annual Gathering Societies (Charity Funds)
Ahlia University presents a research on an intelligent handling of waste
Maryam Al Sherooqi Received the Award (تريم وعبدالله عمران الصحافية)

Ahlia University Opens Admission and Registration for the Academic Year 2017-18
Ahlia University has announced that admission and registration is now open to new students, for the first semester of the academic year 2017-2018, in compliance with the academic regulations of the Secretariat General of the Higher Education Council.

British Expert, Dr. Sood, Lectures on Developing International Research Cooperation
In an event organized by Ahlia University, Dr. Anush Sood stated, “International cooperation programmes are essential tools to exchange knowledge, and support scientific research initiatives.” Dr. Sood presented a workshop on ‘Mechanisms of Developing International Cooperation in the Scientific Research Field’, where he elaborated on the best vision for international ties in the scientific research field, and the ideal path to deliver successful researches based on high standards. He also revealed that successful scientific and academic initiatives saw the light thanks to international cooperation. Dr. Lameea Al Tahoo, the Director of the Human Resources Department at Ahlia University, affirmed that Ahlia University is making significant efforts to enable experts and non-experts to access information and tools.
Ahlia Future Marketers
وقالت الحاصلة على الدكتوراه في إدارة أعمال – التسويق العالمي الدكتورة نجاح شاهين: «إن الفكرة التي انطلقت من أجلها