
Nature-Inspired Cyber Defense and Resilience

Ahlia University

Natural systems detect, respond to and recover from adversities with evolving, multi-tiered and exquisitely resilient defense systems. For decades, nature has been a source of inspiration pervading the language of cyber security. From viruses and worms to artificial immune systems, intelligent threat detection, camouflage, evolutionary defenses and self-healing systems, nature is replete with examples of what to avoid and what to imitate. In our research, we have identified key pillars supporting natural defenses to insure protection and resilience against advanced persistent threats and attacks. These pillars are diversity enforcement, pervasive evolutionary detection and response, and intrinsic resource elasticity and recovery capabilities. We surmise that modern cyber defense systems built upon these pillars would endow their target of defense with resilience and asymmetric advantage over attackers, thus potentially changing the game. This seminar discusses and provides key concepts and practical examples for nature-inspired cyber defenses, and presents our novel nature-inspired cyber defense and resilience platform.


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