
Mohamed Eltoweissy

Ahlia University

Mohamed Eltoweissy is Department Head and Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at The Virginia Military Institute, USA. He is also affiliated Professor with The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining VMI, Eltoweissy served as Chief Scientist for Secure Cyber Systems at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Additionally, Eltoweissy co-founded several start-up companies throughout his career.

Eltoweissy’s current interests crosscut the areas of network security and resilience, cooperative autonomic systems, and networking architecture and protocols. He has over 170 publications in archival journals , books and conference proceedings. Eltoweissy has an extensive funding record, and hs also served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Computers (the flagship and oldest Transactions of the IEEE Computer Society) as well as other reputable journals.

In addition, Eltoweissy is active as an invited speaker at both the national and international levels. Eltoweissy received several awards and recognition for research, education, service and entrepreneurship, including best paper awards, top placements at Cyber Security competitions, and nomination for the Virginia SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Awards, the highest honor for faculty in Virginia. Eltoweissy is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.


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