Abdalmuttaleb M.A. Musleh Al-Sartawi, Ph.D. is the Chairperson of the Accounting, Finance and Banking Department, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Electronic Banking (IJEBank). He received his PhD in Accounting, from the University of Banking and Financial Science (UBFS). He has presented and published many papers in regional and international conferences and journals. In addition, Al-Sartawi is the chair and the editor of two international conferences the European, Asian, Middle Eastern, North African Conference on Management & Information Systems (EAMMIS) conferences and the International Conference on Global Economic Revolutions (ICGER). This is in addition to him served as a member of various editorial boards and technical committees in international refereed journals and conferences. In addition, he is the editor of ‘The Big Data-Driven Digital Economy: Artificial and Computational Intelligence,’ in Studies in Computational Intelligence. He is a member of several international organizations and associations such as the European Accountants Association (EAA), the Bahrain Management Society, the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), the International Islamic Marketing Association (IIMA), the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, the Palestinian Accounting Association, and the Palestinian Farmers Association.
Master students supervision: Every year I have been supervising more than 6 Master Students from different backgrounds and covering a range of topics. Supervising BS student.
- The impact of Corporate Governance on GCC Listed Banks Performance, 2nd Global Islamic Marketing Conference, University of United Arab Emirates, UAE, 16-18 January 2012.
- The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Abnormal Returns of Islamic Banks Shares: Evidence from GCC Countries, 2nd Global Islamic Marketing Conference, University of United Arab Emirates, UAE, 16-18 January 2012.
- The effect of corporate governance on stock performance: Evidence from Bahrain, 6th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, University of Istanbul, Turkey, May 6 – 8, 2015.