As part of Ahlia University initiatives related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and its relationship with creating an impact to the society through the integration of strategies, operations, curriculum and policy standards. AU planned a series of seminars that are conducted virtually. The seminars will tackle (impact) of UNSDGs in different sectors including (education, wellbeing, climate change, gender and reduced inequalities).
The first event will tackle SDG3 and will be conducted as a Round Table discussions by inviting a number of guest speakers to tackle niche issues and used to develop/revise policies and practices. The aim of this event to share practices with leaders of higher education, policy makers and regulators important topics at national and international level. The event will support increasing awareness and integration of UNSDGs at multiple sectors and ensures engagement of AU to be the lead towards integrating UNSDGs.
The session will be conducted as a round table will discuss the following topics related to SDG3:
- Challenges to maintain good health and well-being post COVID-19
- Role of Higher Education Institutions in maintain good health and well being
- Proposed recommendations to policy makers and regulators
Target Audience:
- Leaders of Higher Education Sector
- Healthcare Professionals
- Students and Parents
- Faculty Members
- Support Staff