
International Conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond

17th - 19th January 2022

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the outcome of more than two centuries of scientific advancement in a wide range of disciplines. It has witnessed several periods of development that allowed the transition from farming and feudal society to more advanced society of revolutionized mental and intellectual spirit. This transition allowed contemplating new horizons of prosperity and opulence.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution encompasses ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are incorporated to improve automation, upgrade communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. There are several major aspects that drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as technological development, high-speed internet, artificial intelligence automation, big data analysis, and cloud technology.

The economy has always been a major force in transforming societies. Currently, however, changes, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are occurring at an accelerating rate impacting all aspects of human societies. They also alleviate the economic system to new horizons of affluence and create values that engage people and organizations in a new behavior.

Modern technologies are affecting our interactions, smoothing our economies, impacting our environment, and channeling information upon which individuals and institutions are influenced. It is essential, therefore, that we manage the risk of technological change not only to lessen its impact on society, but also to preserve human values. The aim of the conference is to address issues relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing the road to achieve progress and development for a sustainable future.

Under the patronage of

Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza

Head, Sustainable Energy Authority


All papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the following Scopus indexed journals.

Journal of Decision Systems

Taylor and Francis

International Journal of E-Business Research

IGI Global

Call for Papers

Ahlia University international virtual conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution will take place in Manama, the Kingdom of Bahrain from 17th – 19th January 2022. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for academicians, students, engineers, policy makers, and researchers to discuss new ideas and reflect on the impact that new technologies will have on human societies.

Current technological and knowledge gaps hinder some nations from quick adoption of the new industrial revolution driven by such disruptive technologies as robotics, automations, virtual reality, the internet of things (IOT) and artificial intelligence.

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that collective global efforts are necessary to overcome some of the challenges facing nations. The conference aims to address the emerging technological trends and provide solutions to remedy the current state of global insecurity and inequality.

Important Dates

Submission of Abstract

10th January 2022

Notification of acceptance

Within one week of receiving the abstract

Submission of full paper

30th January 2022

EasyChair account is required.

Topics of the conference​

The Fourth Industrial Revolution addresses the blurring boundaries between various types of disciplines, including physical, digital, and biological worlds. This conference provides a platform for participants to exchange their knowledge and share information on a wide range of issues that are becoming a major concern of the current and future impacts of technologies, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on human societies in their quest for a better future.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Authors will be notified within 2 weeks from receiving the abstract.

Original and anonymized papers

Final papers will be accepted for publication on the basis of their merits. Authors should submit original and anonymized papers in English language, following author guidelines, not submitted elsewhere, below 20% of similarity, as a single PDF document.

Review Process

Papers will pass through a double-blind review process.


Upon acceptance, at least one author must register to present at the conference

Important Dates

Submission of Abstract

10th January 2022

Notification of acceptance

Within one week of receiving the abstract

Submission of full paper

30th January 2022

EasyChair account is required.

Conference Chairman

Prof. Abdulla Y. Al-Hawaj

Founding President of Ahlia University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees


Prof. Mansoor Alaali

President of Ahlia University

Organizing Committee

Prof. Shawqi Al Dallal


Organizing Committee

Prof. Amer Alroubaie


College of Business and Finance

Dr. Abdulmuttaleb Musleh


Department of Accounting and Finance

Dr. Sohail Safdar


Department of Information Technology

Dr. Alaaeddine Ramadan


Department of Computer Engineering

Dr. Ammar Al Dallal


Department of Telecommunication

Dr. Basel Ramadan


Engineering Management Program

The George Washington University

Dr. Thaira Al Shirawi ​

President Assistant

Media, Marketing & Public Relations

Dr. Sayed Mohamed

Faculty Member

College of Business and Finance

Ms. Fatema Al-Rawahi

Acting Director

Centre for Measurement & Evaluation

International Scientific Committee

Prof. Hameed M. Al Nuaimi

Professor Astrophysics

Organizing Committee


Sharjah University (UAE)

Prof. Michael A. Stankosky


Engineering Management & System Engineering

George Washington University


Prof. Hisham Guaseeb

Founder, First President

Princes Sumaya University


Prof. Abdulla Yousef Al-Zoubi


Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Machine Learning

Princess Sumaya University of Technology


Dr. Khalil Ebrahim Jasim

Applied Condensed Matter Physics

University of Bahrain

Prof. Abedel Hamid Soliman

Award Leader of MSc Internet of Things

Staffordshire University


Prof. Hamed Al-Raweshidy

Group Leader

Wireless Networks & Communications Group (WNCG)


Intelligent Digital Economy and Society (IDEAS)

Director of PG studies (EEE)

Brunel University



Dr. Samer Al Jeshi


Physics and Engineering

President of BFG International


Dr. Liew Soung Yue

Group Leader

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

University Tunku Abdul Rahman


Prof. Amer Al-Ruoubaie


Economics and Finance

Former Dean

College of Business and Finance

Ahlia University


Prof. Shawqi Al Dallal


Physics and Engineering

Former Dean

College of Graduate Studies and Research

Ahlia University


Dr. Ghazwan Al-Haji

Senior Lecturer and Researcher

Linkoping University


Prof. Hana Sabat

Director of Academic Unit

Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia


Former Dean of astronomy and Space Sciences

Al-Bait University


Dr. Fouad Omri

Dr. Fouad Omri

Artificial Intelligence AI activities

QiO Technologies


Dr. Huisheng Shou

Research Fellow & Director

Center of Turkish Studies at the academy for International and Regional Studies

Beijing Language and Cultural University


Prof. Amar Sakergi

Deputy Director General for Academic Affairs

Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia


Prof. Maysam Abbod


Intelligent Systems

Brunel University



Dr. Kosei Raof


Real Time Embedded Systems

University of Maine


Amro Bader


International Experimental Reactor (ITER)






Inaugural Session

10:20 – 10:30

07:20 – 07:30

Welcoming Address

Prof. Abdulla Al Hawaj

Founding President of Ahlia University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Conference chairman

10:30 – 11:00

07:30 – 08:00

Inaugural Speech

H.E. Dr. Abdul Hussain Ali Mirza

President, Sustainable Energy Authority

Patron of the conference

11:00 – 11:10

08:00 – 08:10

Introductory Remarks

Prof. Mansoor Alaali

President of Ahlia University

Conference co-chairman

11:10 – 11:20

08:10 – 08:20

About the Conference

Prof. Shawqi Al Dallal

Chairman, organizing committee

11:20 – 11:40

08:20 – 8:40


Session 1: Chaired by Prof. Amer Alroubaie

11:40 – 12:10

08:40 – 09:10

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Race Towards the Future.

Prof. Abdulla Yousef Al-Zoubi

Princess Sumaya University, Jordon

12:10 – 12:40

09:10 – 09:40

“Light 1”, The First Bahraini satellit

Eng. Aysha Khalid Alharam

National Space Science Authority, Bahrain

12:40 – 13:30

09:40 – 10:30


Session 2: Chaired by Dr. Alaadine Ramadan

13:30 – 14:00

10:30 – 11:00

Future Generations of Telecommunications front-end: What will be the Breakthrough concerning the active analog part?

Prof. Denis Barataud

XLIM, University of Limoges UMR CNRS n.7252, France

14:00 – 14:30

11:00 – 11:30

Future of Bahrain's A.I. as Inspired by H.H. Shk Nasser's A.I. R&D Center

Dr. Jassim Haji

President, International Group Of A.I., Bahrain

14:30 – 15:00

11:30 – 12:00

Smart Healthcare

Dr. Uichin Lee

Health Science Institute and School of Computing, KAIST, South Korea

Concluding Remarks

Prof. Shawqi Al Dallal


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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