
Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication & Public Relations (BSMCPR)

Ahlia University

Fast Facts

Programme duration : 4 years
Credits required for graduation : 132
Credit transfer available for other Universities : Yes
Language of Tuition : 60% – 40% Arabic – English
Work placements : Yes
Study abroad : Yes

About the Degree Programme

The BSc in Mass Communications and Public Relations prepares students to become media professionals enabling them to gain employment in areas related to journalism, mass communications, radio and TV, public relations and communication consultancies in the private and public sectors.
Students can specialise in either mass communication or public relations or can elect to write a dissertation in lieu of specialisation coursework. Students who opt for a degree in mass communication will be fully qualified for a range of positions within media organisations ranging from journalism to broadcasting. Alternatively, students who opt for a public relations specialisation will be fully skilled to undertake roles public relations associates at advertising agencies and as staff members in public relations departments in the private or public sector.
The language of instruction for the degree program is approximately 60% English and 40% Arabic.
The aim of the degree programme are:
To provide graduates with a high quality understanding of Mass Communications and Public relations with the aim to produce employment ready graduates for the fast moving and exciting international media industry.
