
DR. GAGAN KUKREJA Publications

Ahlia University


  • The Determinants of Audit Expectation Gap: An Empirical Study from Kingdom of Bahrain, Alawi, S, Abu Wadi, Rami, & Kukreja, G. (2018), Accounting and Finance Research, 7(3), 54-66.
    Journal link / Research area: Auditing
  • The Factors Influencing Auditor Independence: The Perceptions Of Auditors In Bahrain, Albaqali, Q., and Kukreja, G. (2017), Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 14 (2) (contd. 2), pp. 369-382.
    Journal link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • Blind Eye on Internal Controls Resulted in the Theft of $ 34 Million: A Case Study of Governance Failure of Koss, Kukreja, G., and Gupta, S. (2016) Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 331-342.
    Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • Accounting Misstatements: Can the Oil Industry Learn from Tesco’s Rapid Fall from Grace?’, Kukreja, G and Brown, R., (2016) Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, Vol. 64(3), pp. 529-546.
    Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • White Collar Fraud: A Case Study of KOSS, Kukreja, G and Brown, R., (2016), Case Study in Business and Management, Vol. 3(1), pp. 22-37.
    Journal link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • Tesco Accounting Misstatements: Myopic Ideologies Overshadowing Larger Organizational Interests, Kukreja, G., and Gupta, S. (2016), SDMIMD Journal of Management, Vol. 7(1), pp. 9-27.
    Journal link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • Free Cash Flow as a Determinant of Performance and Stock Price Movement in Multinational Energy Companies, Al-Alawi, A., Kukreja, G., and Gupta, K., (2016), Journal of Business Management and Information Systems, Vol. 3(1), pp. 11-29.
    Journal link / Research area: Accounting
  • A Study of HR Audit Evaluation Performance: Perceptions of Bahrain’s Wholesale Bankers, Bader, E., and Kukreja, G., (2015), Journal of Business Management and Information Systems, Vol. 2(2), pp. 38-52.
    Journal link / Research area: Auditing
  • The Role of Forensic Accounting in Fraud Investigation: A Survey Based Research from Kingdom of Bahrain, Al-Musalam, L., and Kukreja, G., (2015), Journal of Business Management and Information Systems, Vol. 2(1), pp. 168-184.
    Journal link / Research area: Forensic Accounting
  • Evaluating the perceptions of Investment Banks on the Effectiveness of Financial Audit Report: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahrain, Ateya, G., and Kukreja, G., (2015), International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, Vol. 3(7), pp. 78-105.
    Journal link / Research area: Auditing
  • Factors Affecting Business Environment for Investments: A Survey of Bahrain Businessmen, Kukreja, G. and Al-Shirawi, A., (2014), Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 4 (12), pp. 194-199.
    Journal linkResearch area: Business Environment
  • The determinants of students’ performance in introductory accounting courses: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahrain, Kukreja, G., and Habib, M. (2013), Journal of emerging issues in Economics, Finance & Banking, Vol. 1(3), pp 183-201.
    Journal linkResearch area: Accounting Education
  • Impact of new corporate governance code on disclosures: Evidence from Bahraini listed commercial Banks, Kukreja, G. (2013), Advances In Management & Applied Economics, Vol. 3(3), pp. 171-191.
    Journal linkResearch area: Corporate Governance
  • Intra-trading mechanism of gold futures: An empirical investigation, Mittal, P., and Kukreja, G. (2013), Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 4(9), pp. 469-478.
    Journal linkResearch area: Finance
  • Investors’ perception for stock market: Evidence from national capital region of India, Kukreja, G. (2012), Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 4(8), pp. 712-726.
    Journal linkResearch area: Finance
  • The auditing quality and accounting conservatism, Hamdan, A., Kukreja, G., Awwad, B., and Dergham, M. (2012), International management review, Vol. 8(2), pp. 33-50.
    Journal linkResearch area: Accounting & Auditing


  • Strategic and Governance Failure: A Case of British Home Stores, Kukreja, G. (14-15 January, 2017), 4th International Conference on Current Research in Applied Business and Social Science, Delhi, India. 14-15 January.
    Conference link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • Accounting Misstatements or Accounting Fraud: A Closer Look at Tesco’s accounting, Kukreja, G. (21 -22 August 2016), 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance & Accounting, Mysore, India. 21 – 22 August.
    Conference link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing
  • White Collar Fraud at KOSS – Learning for Business Sustainability, Kukreja, G. (4-6 December, 2015), 4th International Conference on Research and Business Sustainability, Noida, India. 4 – 6 December.
    Conference link / Research area: Accounting & Auditing