
Prof. Mansoor Alaali, President

Ahlia University


Seema Al Mahmood & Mansoor Al-Aali, An In-Depth Methodology for Achieving Successful COTS Software User Requirements, Software Quality Professional Journal, USA, to appear.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Assessment of a New System for Teaching a University Database SQL Language Course through Smart-Phones, Computers in Education Journal, ASEE, USA, Accepted for publication, To appear 2010.
Mansoor Al-Aali, Sakina Al-Aali, Samia Yousif, 2009, A Study into the Method of Selecting a Graduation Computer Science Project, International journal of Education And Information Technologies, NAUN Journals, North Atlantic University Union, USA, Accepted for publication, 2009.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Computer ethics for the computer professional from an Islamic point of view, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2008, Volume, 6, Issue:1, pp. 28 – 45, UK.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Techniques for Speeding up a Network Distribution Management System, Journal of Intelligent automation & Soft Computing – AutoSoft, 2008, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 207-218, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, A Study of Undergraduate Computer Science Students Projects, Computers in Education journal, vol. XVIII, No. 4, pp. 100-111, December 2008, American Society for Engineering education, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Implementation of an Improved Adaptive Testing Theory, IEEE Journal on Educational Technology & Society, 2007, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Cybercrime and the Law: An Islamic View, Webology Journal, Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali & Ali A Khan, Removing Useless Productions of a Context Free Grammar Through Petri Net, Journal of Computer Science 3 (7): 494-498, ISSN 1549-3636© 2007 Science Publications, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, A Study of Mathematics Web-Based Learning in Schools, American Journal of Applied Sciences 5(11), pp. 1506-1517, 2008, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Component View, Power Magazine, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 42-45, 2007, UK.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Adoption of Peer-To-Peer Assessment in a Computing Skills Course, American Journal of Applied Sciences 4(10): 828-833, 2007, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Computer crimes from an Islamic Point of View, ANSI Journal of Applied Science, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, A Method for Improving Adaptive Testing By Evaluating and Improving the Item Response Theory, Transactions on Information Science and Applications, March, 2007, WSEAS – World Scientific And Engineering Academy And Society.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Logical Graphics Design Technique For Drawing Distribution Networks, ANSI Journal of Applied Science, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, An Approach for Automatically Extracting Translation Rules For a Better English-to-Arabic Machine Translation, Journal of Computer Science, 2007, Science Publications, USA.
Al-A’ali M, Four Efficient Logical Display Techniques for Electricity Distribution Networks, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Journal of Circuits, Systems And Computers, Vol. 16, No.3, pp. June 2007, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Optical Character Recognition System For Arabic Text Using Cursive Multi-Directional Approach, Journal of Computer Science, 3 (7), 2007, Science Publications, USA.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, A Study of Email Spam and How to Effectively Combat It
Webology Journal, Year: 2007, Vol: 4 Issue 1.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, An Efficient Technique for Identifying and Storing Syntactic and Semantic English Natural Language Sentence Patterns, WSEAS Transactions On Systems, Issue 1, Volume 6, January 2007, ISSN 1109-2777.
Taher S.K. Homeed & Mansoor Al-A’ali, Analyzing Statistical and Syntactical English Text For Word prediction and text generation, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 954-965, ANSI, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Pre-Editing and Recursive-Phrase Composite For a Better English-To-Arabic Machine Translation, Journal of Computer Science, 3(6): 410-418, 2007, Science Publications, 2007, USA.
AL-A’ali Mansoor, Syntactic and Semantic Rule Based System for English to Arabic
Machine Translation, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume 6, February 2007, pp. 329-224.
AL-A’ali Mansoor, 2007, Analyzing Terms, Keywords, Syntax and Performance of Two Object Oriented Languages: C# And Java, WSEAS Transactions On Information Science & Applications, Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Seema Al-Mahmood & Ala Al-Zobaidie, A Study Of The Contracting And Procurement Process For Cots Software Projects, Journal of Computer Science 3(3): 180-185, 2007, Science Publications, USA.
Al-A’ali, M., Improving the speed of electrical distribution network systems by improving data representation techniques, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, v 5, n 7, July 2006, p 1124-31.
Al-A’ali Mansoor. Al-Mahmood Seema & Al-Zobaidie Alaa, A Study of User Requirements for COTS – Computer Off The Shelf Software Solutions, Software Quality Professional journal, V9, Issue 1, pp. 32-39, 2006, USA.
AL-A’ali Mansoor, A faster Implementation of QuickSort, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Iss. 1, Vol. 4, Jan. 2007, ISSN 1709-0832, pp. 230-235.
Al-A’ali M, Evaluation of Teaching an Arabic Programming Language (ARABLANG), Computers in Education Journal, Vol. XVII, No. 2, pp. 37-49, June 2007, USA.
Al-Aali M, Al-Zobaidie A., and Al-Khonaizi M, Database System for Natural Arabic Language Text, Processing Arabic, Netherlands, No. 8, ISSN 0921-9145, 1995.
Al-Zobaidie A., Al-Khonaizi M, and Al-Aali M, Common Sense Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Processing, Processing Arabic, Netherlands, No. 8, ISSN 0921-9145, 1995.
Mansoor Al-Aali and M. A. Ajiz, Efficient Algorithm For Linear Problems Using Packed Data Structure With a Set of Parallel Pointers, International Journal on Computers & Structures, USA, Vol. 53, No. 5, 1994, pp. 1225-1233, USA.
Ali A. Khan and Mansoor Al-Aali, An Algorithm to Convert Graphs Into EDNF, Information Sciences Journal, USA, Vol 58, 1994, USA.
Ali A. Khan and Mansoor Al-Aali, An Algorithm to Convert Graphs Into DNF, Information Sciences Journal, USA, Vol 60, 1994, UK.
Manzur Ali Ajiz, Mansoor Al-Aali and Mohd Mustafa Hamed, Fast Implementation of Partial Gram-Schmidt Algorithm Using Tree Data Structure With Sequential Row Pointers Data Structure to Solve Structural Problems (PGS), Advances in Engineering Software Journal, USA, Vol 18, 1993, pp. 187-197, USA.
Manzur Ajiz, Mohd Hamed and Mansoor Al-Aali, PC- Based Implementation of Lanczos Algorithm Using Packed and Column Pointer Data Structures for Solving Linear Problems (PCBLAN), Advances in Engineering Software Journal, 1994, USA.
Mansoor Al-Aali, Ahmed Aqeel, Khan Ali A, Hussain Jassim and Abdulwahid Mohammed, Developing a New Arabic Programming Language for Schools, Journal of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, (Computer Science Series), 1995, India.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Zobaidie A and Al-Aali M, Al-Khazoon: A Database System From Natural Arabic Language Text, International Journal Arabic Computing, Oxford: Intellect Books, 1995, UK.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Aali M and Al-Zobaidie A., The Classification Approach for Natural Arabic Language Understanding, The Egyptian Computer Journal, Egypt, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 59-76, 1994.
M. Al-Aali and A. A. Khan, Determination of Minimal Legal Firing Sequences for Petri Net Reachability, Advances in Modelling and Analysis, France, Vol. 32, No 3, 1995, pp. 1-6.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Zobaidie A and Al-Aali M, Al-Khazoon: A Database System From Natural Arabic Language Text, Bulletin Processing Arabic, Vol. 5, No. 8, 1995, UK.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Aali M and Al-Zobaidie A, Understanding Natural Arabic Text, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 733, Thomas Grechenig & Manfred Tscheligi (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Emdad Khan, Mansoor Al-Aali and Moheb Girgis, Object Oriented Programming For Structured Procedural Programmers, IEEE Computer Journal, USA, Vol. 28, No. 10, Oct. 95, pp. 48-75
Mansoor Al-Aali and Mohd Hamid, Design of An Arabic Programming Language (ARABLAN), The International Journals on Computer Languages, USA & UK, Vol. 21, No.3/4, 1995, pp. 191-200.
Mansoor Al-Aali and Ali Khan, Simplification of Context Free Grammar Through Petri Net, International Journal on Computers and Structures, UK, Vol. 58, No. 5, 1996, pp. 1055-1088.


Fatin Dhaif & Mansoor Al-A’ali, Exploring Data and Methods for Intelligent Transfer between Universities, 31st Arab Conference of the Arab Organisation of Admission & Registration, Abu Dhabi, 3-7 April, 2011.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Graph Algorithms for Logically Displaying Electricity Distribution Network Systems, MEST – Middle East Spatial Conference, Middle East Spatial Technology – 10 – 12 December 2007, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Bahrain.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Seema Al-Mahmood, Analysis & Recommendations for the Management of COTS – Computer Off The Shelf – Software Projects, WSEAS International Conference on Computers, paper number: 561-275, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Samia Yousif, An Intelligent Multi-Lingual Object Oriented Dictionary System, WSEAS International Conference on Systems, paper number: 561-325, 2007.
Samia Yousif, Mansoor Al-A’ali, Object Oriented Techniques For An Intelligent Multi-Purpose English Language Dictionary System, accepted in 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, 994, 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS, Systems, 12-16, June 2007 Funchal, Madeira – Portugal 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Efficient Algorithms for Distribution Networks Switching Plans , WSEAS International Conference on Systems, paper number: 561-179, 2007.
Mansoor Al-A’ali & Ala Al-Zobaidie, A Methodology For Setting Up Successful Collaborative Distance Education Programmes Between British And Arab Universities Based On The Bahrain Experience, International Conference on Higher Education, in Iraq 11-13 December 2007 in Erbil, Iraq.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Improving the Speed of Electrical Distribution Management Systems through Improved Data Representation Techniques, paper number: 594-178, 10th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, 10th WSEAS CSCC. Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, An Efficient Approach for Identifying and Storing Syntactic and Semantic Sentence Patterns in English Natural Language, 6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS THEORY and SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION (ISTASC’06), 18-20 August, 2006, pp. 75-80, paper no. 537-283.
Al-A’ali Mansoor & Hassan Hazmi, Islamic Computer Ethics via the ACM Computer Ethics, The International Arab Conference on Information Technology, Paper ID: 97, 19-21 December, 2006, Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, IRT-Item Response Theory Assessment & Enhancement for an Adaptive Teaching Assessment System, 10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Dallas, Texas, November 1-3, 2006, paper no. 519-398
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Four Approaches to Efficient Logical Display of Electricity Distribution Networks, paper no 388-121, The International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2003), Austria, 25-28 June 2003. .
Mansoor Al-A’ali, GIS for an Electricity Distribution Network, The 2nd International Conference on GIS, Bahrain, Nov. 2001, Bahrain.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-A’ali M and Al-Zobaidie, The Functional and Semantic Structure for the Arabic Natural Sentence, The Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, & Systems, ICECS-97, Session: Artificial Intelligence, Dec. 15-17, 1998, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 467-472.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Aali M and Al-Zobaidie, The Common Sense Knowledge Structure doe Arabic Natural Sentence, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, London, U.K. 17-18, April, 1998, pp. 2.3.1-2.3.9.
Al-Aali M, Machine Learning for Machine Translation: English to Arabic, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, London, U.K. 17-18, April, 1998, pp. 2.5.1-2.5.7.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, Techniques for Speeding Up an Electricity Distribution Network, The European Conference on Distribution Networks, DISTRIBUTECH Europe 98, Section: Innovations in R&D for Profit, Oct. 27-29, 1998, London, UK.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, “Artificial Intelligence Applications”, First University of Bahrain Computer Science Forum, 19-21 Nov. 1999.
Mansoor Al-A’ali & Ghulum Bakiri, “Successful IT Project Management”, First University of Bahrain Computer Science Forum, 19-21 Nov. 1999.
Moheb Girgis, Mansoor Al-Aali, & Ala Al-Zobaidie, Creating an Object Oriented Schema From Arabic Natural Language Sentence, ICEMCO-96, The Fifth International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, UK, April 11-13, 1996.
Mohd Al-Khonaizie, Ahmed Yamani, Ala Al-Zobaidie & Mansoor Al-Aali, A New Declarative and Interrogative Approach to Natural Arabic Text: A Computational Linguistic Approach, ICEMCO-96, The Fifth International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, UK, April 11-13, 1996.
Mohd Al-Khonaizie, & Mansoor Al-Aali, An Arabization Methodology for Very Large Computer Applications, ICEMCO-96, The Fifth International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, UK, April 11-13, 1996.
Aqeel Ahmed & Mansoor Al-Aali, An Approach to the Design and Development of an Arabic Educational Software Using Multimedia, Proceedings of the the 1st International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education_CATE 96, March 18-20 1996, Cairo, Egypt.
Mansoor Al-A’ali & Aqeel Ahmed, Factors Influencing Computer Science Job Career in Bahrain, Proceedings of the the 1st International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education CATE 96, March 18-20 1996, Cairo, Egypt.
Mansoor Al-Aali & Nedzad Mehic, Multimedia GIS for the Tourist Industry in Bahrain, Proceedings of the IEEE (Alexandria chapter) 5th Conference on Computer Theory and Applications, 12-14 Sep. 1995, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt.
Mansoor Al-Aali & Zuhair Al-Bahrani, University of Bahrain Admission System, Proceedings of the IEEE (Alexandria chapter) 5th Conference on Computer Theory and Applications, 12-14 Sep. 1995, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt.
Mansoor Al-Aali & Nedzad Mehic, Multimedia Based Information System for Bahrain, Conference on Multimedia Tools, Applications and Trends, 5-6 Dec. 1995, Saudi Arabia.
Mansoor Al-Aali & Nedzad Mehic, Criteria to right size a UNIX Environment, Proceeding of the Bahrain 1st International Conference on Computers in Industry, 6-8 Nov. 1995.
Yamani A, Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Zobaidie A. and Al-A’ali M, Understanding Declaratives and Interrogatives of Arabic Text: A Computational Linguistic Approach, the Proceedings of the Second Symposium on National Computer Conference on Arabization, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27 – 30 March, 1994.
M. Al- Khonaizi, Mansoor Al-A’ali , & Al-Zobaidie A., Common Sense Knowledge Representation of Natural Language Processing: An LFG Treatment, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, London, U.K., 7-9 April, 1994.
Mansoor Al-Aali and Moheb Girgis, Arabization: Actual and Objectives, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Lingual Computing, University of Cambridge, London, U.K. 7-9, April, 1994.
Mansoor Al-A’ali and Moheb Girgis, Translating Arabic Statements into Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Statistics and their Applications, Egypt, 17-22 April, 1993.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-A’ali M and Al-Zobaidie A, Al-Khabier Al-Arabi: An Expert System for Natural Arabic Language Understanding, the proceeding of the Second National Expert Systems and Development Workshop, ESADW93, UNDP sponsored, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, May 2-4, pp. 193-199, 1993.
Al-Khonaizi M, Al-A’ali M and Al-Zobaidie A, Understanding Natural Arabic Text, Human Computer Interaction, Vienna Conference, VCHCI 93, Fin de Siecle, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1993, Springer-Verlage, pp. 407-409+.
Abdulla Al-Hawaj and Mansoor Al-A’ali, Status of Computer Science Education in the University of Bahrain, Proceedings of the Symposium on Computing in the Gulf Universities, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain (in Arabic), 7-10 Nov, 1992, pp. 430-441, 1992.


Mansoor Al-A’ali, A Childhood of School, Work & Marriages – My Aali Village of Hopes & Dreams, BookSurge Publishers, USA, ISBN-10: 1439230196, ISBN-13: 978-1439230190, 2009.
Mansoor Al-Aali & Samia Yousif, Computer Jobs & Certifications – Planning for a Successful IT career, LuLu Publishers, USA, 2012.
Mansoor Al-A’ali, ORACLE SQL & PL-SQL Programming, University of Bahrain press, 2000.
Nedzad Mehic, Mansoor Al-Aali and Ali Khan, Practical Assembly Language Programming, by, Alqabas Publishing and University of Bahrain press, 1996, Bahrain.


Seema Almahmood & Mansoor Al-A’ali, Cots Software Procurement Methodology in book: E-Strategies for Resource Management Systems, IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge Publishers 2010.
