
Internships with AU

Ahlia University


Here at Ahlia, we are proud to be able to offer all our students access to our intern program. All of Ahlia’s undergraduate programs have an internship course known as INTR 400 INTERNSHIP, which is a 6 credit hour course. After completing 90 or more credits, students are given the choice of either doing the INTR 400 course, or alternatively studying two additional core elective courses.
We coordinate with public and private sector companies and organisations to help you find the perfect position to do your internship program. However, students may also seek an internship with a company or organisation that they particularly would like to work for.
Increasingly students are becoming aware of the importance of completing an internship, which provides them with the practical skills and the opportunity to become familiar with the working environment and a potential opportunity for employment. You can find out more information here on our internship program or alternatively contact the internship co-ordinator within the Deanship of Student Affairs.

Purpose of Internship

  • Learn and develop practical skills
  • Gain first hand understanding of the inner workings of an organization
  • Make a positive contribution to an organization
  • Solve problems by taking initiative and using creativity
  • Clarify career goals
  • Observe and learn ethics at work
  • Observe and work with professionals in the field



Student Eligibility

Any student who has completed 90 or more credits in the undergraduate program and has a minimum university CGPA of 2.00 is eligible to undertake the internship. Students who are employed, can undertake an internship by bringing a confirmation letter from their organisation. It should state that they approve moving the student from his/her current department to a different department related to the student’s major for an internship of two months.

Academic Credit

Students will receive 6 academic credits after a successful completion of the program. The total number of internship hours and the work schedule are negotiated by the intern and the site supervisor in coordination with the academic supervisor and the Deanship of Student Affairs

Internship duration

The internship program requires a minimum of 240 hours of work at the internship worksite. The total number of internship hours and the work schedule are negotiated by the intern and the site supervisor in coordination with the academic supervisor.


The internship INTR 400 course fee is equivalent to the fee of 6 credits of the undergraduate program the student is enrolled in. If fees are not paid, the grade will not be entered.

Internships abroad

Students can undertake their internship abroad. The internship procedure for doing internships outside Bahrain will primarily follow all the steps applicable to internships in Bahrain. Special conditions associated with supervision by the academic supervisor of the University will be addressed individually. International students must begin their search for internship early in order to ensure that work authorization is obtained prior to the commencement of the internship.

How do I apply for an internship?
  • After successful completion of at least 90 credit hours, any student can register on the INTR 400 course.
  • A minimum university G.P.A of 2.00 is required.
  • The minimum period for an internship is two months with a minimum of 180 normal working hours.
  • Students can contact any organization or ask the internship coordinator to contact an organization to arrange for an internship.
What procedures do I need to follow?
  1. Request an internship letter from the internship co-ordinator within the Deanship of Student Affairs.
  2. This letter is to be sent to your internship employer and on receipt of your acceptance letter submit this to the internship co-ordinator.
  3.  Register in the INTR 400 course before starting the internship period.
Fees & Registration

Students undertaking an internship must pay the full fees for the credit hours for which they have registered.
Registration for an internship must be completed during the normal registration period announced by the University in each semester and must be included in the registration form issued by the Office of Admissions and Registration.

Making the most out of your internship
  • By showing dedication and enthusiasm and acting in a professional manner, you will be giving a good impression of yourself and the University
  • Respect work rules and regulations
  • Dress appropriately
  • Maintain a positive attitude
  • Respect others
  • Always be prompt in delivering tasks assigned to you
  • Learn the organization structure and management hierarchy
  • Learn the different job descriptions related to your field of study
  • Ask questions
  • Ask co-workers about their career path
  • Get involved with company activities
  • Attend training sessions and professional development seminars
  • Attend company social events where appropriate


Most importantly, enjoy your internship. This is your big opportunity to learn about the world of work.

