
Sustaining Stakeholders Engagement

Event Details

Start Date:



4:30 PM - 6:30 PM


Microsoft Teams

This event will demonstrate active relationship with our stakeholders including employers, Internship Supervisors,  Alumni  and Students. The event will include a number of our distinguished  stakeholders including members from International Accreditation Body, College External Advisory Board, and Employers of the Graduates and Alumni representatives.

During the event the improvements made to the academic programmes will be communicated to the stakeholders based on their feedback obtained through various quality assurance mechanisms. The event will highlight the revisions made in line with the College Goals as part  of periodic quality  assurance processes.

The agenda will span international aspects covering, professional certification alignments, international partnerships and diversity as well as international accreditation, sustainability and future proofing of our academic provision.

Target Audience:

External Stakeholders

Dr. Bidit Dey

Head of Executive Education, Alumni Relations and Stakeholder Engagement. Brunel University London

Mr. Ihsan Zakri

Senior Accreditation and Member Services Manager, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, AACSB

Dr. Wajeeha Awadh

Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Al Baraka Banking Group

Dr. Waheed Al Qassim

Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Association of Banks

Dr. Ali Al-Moulani

President of CFA Society Bahrain

Dr. Sh. Mohammed AlKhalifa

Head of Monitoring and Evaluation at Ministry of Interior

Internal Stakeholders

Prof. Abdulla Al Hawaj

Founding President Chairman, Board of Trustees Ahlia University


Prof. Mansoor Alaali

President of Ahlia University

Dr. Esra AlDhaen

Assistant Professor, PFHEA Executive Director of Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Prof. Allam Hamdan

Acting Dean College of Business and Finance

Mr. Ammar AlHawaj

Executive Director for Communications and International Relations

Dr. Yusuf Al Bastaki

Chairperson of Management, Marketing and Information Systems

Dr. Abdulmuttaleb Musleh

Chairperson of Accounting, Finance and Banking

Students and Alumni Representations

Ms. Eman Khorrami

King Hamad Global Centre

Mr. Abdulla Munfaredi

Personal Trainer

Ms. Zahra Tahery

Co-founder of BTAG


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details