Ammar AlDallal, Chairperson of Telecommunications Engineering Department, Ahlia University. He holds Bachelor degree and Master degree in computer engineering from Kuwait University and obtained PhD in computing and systems information from Brunel University in 2012. He taught more than 15 different courses in undergraduate and postgraduate related to software development, programming, algorithms, machine learning, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, computer security. He supervised a vast number of graduation projects and successfully supervised 8 master dissertations. AlDallal has more than 17 papers published in regional and international Journals that discuss several aspects related to information retrieval, computer security and machine learning. He serves as a peer reviewer in several international journals. He received a best paper and best presenter awards in several international conferences. He is a member of internal examiner committee of Master dissertations at Ahlia University, a member of Bahrain Society of Engineers and a senior member of IEEE. He is recognized by Brunel University London as a PhD Academic supervisor.
Journal Publications:
1. Ameera Abul and Ammar Aldallal, “Network Thinking — A Novel Strategic View for Success in Organisational Networks”, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 19(1), pp. 2040024-1, 2040024-22, (2020), DOI: 10.1142/S0219649220400249
2. Ammar Aldallal and Amina Almosa, “ Prediction of non-communicable diseases using class comparison data mining”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol. 4, No. 5, 193-206 (2019). DOI: 10.25046/aj040525
3. Mohamad Amin Hasbini, Tillal ElDabi and Ammar Aldallal, “Investigating the information security management role in smart city organisations”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, vol. 14, issue 1, Jan 2018, pp 86-98.
4. Ammar Aldallal and Kashif Shabbir, “Protecting Web Applications from Cross-Site Scripting Attacks”, Journal of Applied Engineering Research, volume 2017, issue 3, July – August, pp.1-21
5. Ammar Al-Dallal, “Solving Prioritized Multi-Objective TSP Using Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer And Communication Engineering, IJARCCE, Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2017.pp. 67-72. DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2017.6813
6. Ammar Aldallal and Kashif Shabbir, “Securing Web Applications Against Cross-Site Scripting”, International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, 3(12), Dec. 2016, pp. 75-80.
7. Ammar Al-Dallal, “Avoiding Premature Convergence of Genetic Algorithm in Informational Retrieval Systems”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, IJISAE, 2(4), pp. 80–85, 2014
8. Ammar Al-Dallal , Rasha S. Abdulwahab and Ramzi El-Haddadeh. “IR with and without GA: Study the Effectiveness of the Developed Fitness Function on the Two Suggested Approaches”, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 4.1 (2013): 1-20. Web. 24 Sep. 2013.
9. Ammar Al-Dallal and Rasha S. Abdulwahab, “GA and IR: study the effectiveness of the developed fitness function on IR”, International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR), pp1-14, vol. 3, issue 2, 2012.
10. “كلمة السر هل تستخدم حقا لحفظ بياناتك؟” في مجلة ” صوت الأهلية” ، العدد التاسع ، نوفمبر 2017 ، ص 32-33
Book chapter:
1. Ammar S. Aldallal, Al Zallaqi A., Mohammed A. (2021) Advanced Smart Car Park Management System for High Car Park Utilization. In: Rocha Á., Adeli H., Dzemyda G., Moreira F., Ramalho Correia A.M. (eds) Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1368. Springer, Cham.
Conference Papers:
1. Ammar Al-Dallal and Amina Al-Moosa, “Using Data Mining Techniques to Predict Diabetes and Heart Diseases”, In the Proceeding of 2018 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, pp 150-154. September 24-27, 2018, Poitiers, France. DOI: 10.1109/ICFSP.2018.8552051
2. Ammar Aldallal, “Exploring DOM-Based Cross-Site Scripting”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET), Berlin, Germany, 3-4 Oct. 2017, pp.1-4.
3. Mohamad Amin Hasbini, Tillal ElDabi and Ammar Aldallal, Investigating the role of information security management in smart city organizations”, 15th International conference on The Digital Revolution, Smart Cities and Performance Improvement towards a Sustainable Knowledge, 16-18 May 2017, Manama, Bahrain
4. Ammar Al-Dallal, “Using Genetic Algorithm with Combinational Crossover to solve Travelling Salesman Problem”,7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI), Lisbon, Portugal, November 2015, pp. 149-156. DOI:10.5220/0005590201490156
5. Suresh Subramanian and Ammar AlDallal, “Efficient Approach in Elimination of Noisy Information From Web Pages”, National Conference on Big Data & Cloud Computing, pp. 226 – 229, 20-21 February, 2015, Villupuram, India.
6. Ammar Al-Dallal: “The Effect of Hybrid Crossover Technique on Enhancing Recall and Precision in Information Retrieval”, Conference of World Congress of Engineering (WCE13), pp1571-1576, 3-5 Jul, 2013, London, UK
7. Ammar Al-Dallal; “Enhancing Recall and Precision in Web Search using Advanced Fitness Function”, Online Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). pp 29-41. 2012, 6-7 June, 2012, Munich, Germany.
8. Ammar Al-Dallal and Abdul-Wahab, R.S.: “GA-based System for Achieving High Recall and Precision in Information Retrieval”. In Proceedings of Artificial Evolution 2011 (Evolution Artificielle 2011) 10th Biennal International Conference on Artificial Evolution, ISBN 978-2-9539267-1-2, 24-26 October, Angers, France, (2011).
9. Ammar Al-Dallal; and Abdul-Wahab, R.S.;, “Achieving High Recall and Precision with HTLM Documents: An Innovation Approach in Information Retrieval”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Vol III. WCE 2011, 6 – 8 July, 2011, London, U.K.
10. Ammar Al-Dallal.; Shaker, R.;, “Genetic Algorithm in Web Search using inverted index representation,” GCC Conference & Exhibition, 2009 5th IEEE , pp.1-5, 17-19 March 2009.
11. Ammar Al-Dallal.; Abdul-Wahab, R.S.; , “Genetic Algorithm Based to Improve HTML Document Retrieval,” Developments in eSystems Engineering (DESE), 2009 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.343-348, 14-16 Dec. 2009.
12. K. Saleh and A. Al-Dallal, “Protocol synthesis using the Petri net model”, Ninth IASTED Intern. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’97), pp. 37-40, October, Washington, D.C., USA, 1997.
Research Area
- Information retrieval, genetic algorithm, computer security, artificial intelligence
Undergraduate (supervised with successful completion:
- Mohammed Alhammadi, “Adaptive Control Of Traffic Signal Based On Traffic Density Controlled By CCTV”, (2018).
- Mena Magdi, “Vacant Parking Detection and Reporting using Mobile Application”, (2018).
- Salman Adel Salman Alhasan, project title: “An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective TSP” (2015)
- Shareefa Abdulla Bohamood: “My Smart Robotdog” (2015)
- Sayed Ali Alsada, project title: “Remote Control Bluetooth Enabled Vehicle”(2015)
- Hasan Jawad Alafoo, project title: “Smart Home Automation and security system”(2015)
- Rashed Seyadi, project title: “RFID based Secure Voting System for Bahrain National Assembly using Microcontroller”.(2015)
- Abdulla Abduljalil Abdulla and Ali Ebrahim Khalil, project title: “Implementing and Securing Smart Car Parking”. (2016)
- Alya A.Ameer Ismaeel, project title: “Cash In- Transit Security System”. (2016)
- Jumana Abdulla Alsaeedi, project title:”Smart security systems for buildings”. (2016)
- Ali Ebrahim Khalil Ebrahim Saleh and Abdulla Abduljalil Abdulla Ali Mahdi, “Implementing and Securing Smart Car Park” (2016)
- Mohamed Rashed Abdulla Alhammad, “Smart Home for special needs using voice recognition” (2016)
- Hala Fuad Yusuf Radhi and Fajer Hasan Yusuf Alasiri, “Patient ECG/EKG monitoring via micro-controller and mobile application”. (2016)
- Amina Mohamed A.Ghani and Aysha Yusuf Alzallaqi, “Multi-park Monitoring and Management System.(2017)
- Mahmood Mohammed Ali Alhasaei and Mohammed Abdulla Isa Hubail, “Smart Baby Care”, (2017)
Master: (supervised with successful completion):
- Ameera Abul, Dissertation Title: “Network Thinking – A Novel Strategic View For Success In Organizational Networks”(2015)
- Manal Alotaibi, Dissertation Title: “Evaluation of digital government applications in Bahrain” (2015)
- Amina Abdul Aziz Al-Moosa, Dissertation Title: “Prediction For Heart Diseases And Diabetes Using Data Mining Techniques” (2016)
- Kashif Mohammed Shabbir, Dissertation Title: “Securing Web Applications Against Cross-Site Scripting”(2016)
- Bushra Saad Rashed Alshaer, Dissertation Title: “Perform Software Testing Using Genetic Algorithm”. (2016)
- Zainab Naser, Dissertation Title: “The Power of Multimedia To Raise The Efficiency Of Education”. (2017)
- “Exploring DOM-Based cross site scripting”, at Research Forum – Ahlia University on 23/4/2018.
- “Securing Web Applications Against Cross-Site Scripting”, at Ahlia University on 7/12/2016.
- “Using Genetic Algorithm with Combinational Crossover to Solve Travelling Salesman Problem”, at Ahlia University on 18/11/2015
- “Improving genetic algorithm convergence in information retrieval using hybrid crossover” , at Ahlia University on 23/4/2014
- Al-Dallal, Ammar:” The Effect of Hybrid Crossover Technique on Enhancing Recall and Precision in Information Retrieval”, Conference of World Congress of Engineering (WCE13), pp1571-1576, 3-5 Jul, 2013, London, UK
- Al-Dallal, Ammar; “Enhancing Recall and Precision in Web Search using Advanced Fitness Function”, CD-ROM/Online Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). pp 29-41. 2012, 6-7 June, Munich, Germany.
- Al-Dallal, Ammar and Abdul-Wahab, R.S.: “GA-based System for Achieving High Recall and Precision in Information Retrieval”. In Proceedings of Artificial Evolution 2011 (Evolution Artificielle 2011) 10th Biennal International Conference on Artificial Evolution, ISBN 978-2-9539267-1-2, 24-26 October, Angers, France, (2011).
- Al-Dallal, Ammar; and Abdul-Wahab, R.S.; “Achieving High Recall and Precision with HTLM Documents: An Innovation Approach in Information Retrieval”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Vol III. WCE 2011, 6 – 8 July, 2011, London, U.K.
- Al-Dallal, Ammar; Shaker, R.; “Genetic Algorithm in Web Search using inverted index representation,” GCC Conference & Exhibition, 2009 5th IEEE, pp.1-5, 17-19 March 2009.
- Al-Dallal, Ammar.; Abdul-Wahab, R.S.; , “Genetic Algorithm Based to Improve HTML Document Retrieval,” Developments in eSystems Engineering (DESE), 2009 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.343-348, 14-16 Dec. 2009.
- K. Saleh and A. Al-Dallal, “Protocol synthesis using the Petri net model”, Ninth IASTED Intern. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’97), pp. 37-40, October, Washington, D.C., USA, 1997.
- Accepted to Conference:
- Ammar Al-Dallal , “Using Genetic Algorithm with Combinational Crossover to Solve TSP”, 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, 12-14 Nov 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
- The Best Presentation award for the paper entitled “Enhancing Recall and Precision in Web Search using Advanced Fitness Function”.
- Best paper award for the paper” Securing Web Applications Against Cross-Site Scripting”, in ISER 40th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 2016”