Conference theme: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology
Conference Lobby
Day One - September 15, 2021
08:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Conference Registration
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Opening Remarks: Prof. Abdulla Yusuf Abdulwahab Al Hawaj
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Opening Remarks: Prof. Mansoor Ahmed Hasan Husain Alaali
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Keynote speaker 1: Prof. Janice Carol Sipior, Professor of MIS , Villanova University, USA
Keynote speech title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bias
10:45 AM – 10:50 AM
Question and Answer session
10:50 AM – 11:05 AM
Keynote speaker 2: Mr. Clive Webb, ACCA, Senior Professional Insights Manager, UK
Keynote speech title: Leading Digital Transformation
11:05 AM – 11:10 AM
Question and Answer session
11:10 AM – 11:25 AM
Keynote speaker 3: Dr. Wajeeha H. Awadh, Section Head of Digital Banking & FinTech, Albaraka Banking Group, Bahrain
Keynote speech title: Chief Digital Officer
11:25 AM – 11:30 AM
Question and Answer session
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Session One
Chair: Dr. Maryam Husain Almahdi, Ahlia University, Bahrain
Session Two
Chair: Dr. Mohammad A. Mezher, Fahad bin Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
Title: Computing the Effects of Brand Passion on Consumer Behaviour
Presenter: Yashodhan Karulkar, Mahendra Parihar, Anshika Gupta and Gautam Iyer
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
Title: A Review Analysis Investigating the Efficacy of Machine Learning In Intrusion Detection
Presenter: Majdah Alshammari and Mohammad Mezher.
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM
Title: The Role of Interactivity in Social Commerce Websites: A Content Analysis Study
Presenter: Maryam Husain Almahdi and Chris Archer-Brown
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM
Title: Residual Networks for Image Clustering
Presenter: Saksham Darolia and Sanchit Chaudhary
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Title: Haitian cooperative of savings and credits: social and community dimensions of success
Presenter: Nabil Messabia, Edouich Beauvoir and Chokri Kooli
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Title: Blockchain in Environmental Compliance and Enforcement
Presenter: Mohamed Al-Qassim, Weifeng Chen
12:10 PM – 12:20 PM
Title: Does Interest Rate Parity Hold Good for Inr-Usd Exchange Rate? Analysing Via Computational Technique
Presenter: Abhay Kumar, Mahendra Parihar, Aman Devariya, Anushka
Khanna, Svarna Khande and Shashwat Shankar
12:10 PM – 12:20 PM
Title: Blockchain and ecological impact: Between reality and accusation?
Presenter: Mohamed Bechir Chenguel
12:20 PM – 12:30 PM
Title: Analysing Buying Behaviour of Consumers Towards Personal Care Products for Sustainable Growth of An Organization: A Case of Himalaya Personal Care Product
Presenter: Sarthak Saraswat, Mahendra Parihar and Shruti Patil
12:20 PM – 12:30 PM
Title: Development of A Prototype for Use of Blockchain Technology for Transparent & Efficient Land Records
Presenter: Rashi Gupta
12:30 PM – 12:50 PM
Question and Answer session
12:30 PM – 12:50 PM
Question and Answer session
12:50 PM – 2:00 PM
Lunch Break
Session Three
Chair: Dr. Azam Abdelhakeem Khalid Ahmed, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Session Four
Chair: Dr. Sameh Reyad, Ahlia University, Bahrain
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Title: The Need for Revitalization of Islamic Social Finance Instruments in the COVID-19 Period in Nigeria: The Role of Digitalization
Presenter: Umar Habibu Umar and Muhammad Rabiu Danlami
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Title: The effectiveness of applying Fintech application in Bahrain: Theoretical Perspective.
Presenter: Sameh Reyad and Mohamed Alsayed.
2:10 PM – 2:20 PM
Title: Islamic banking strategies in the world of Fintech: Success story of Bahrain
Presenter: Zakir Hossen Shaikh, Dr Adel Sarea, Dr. Mohammad Irfan
2:10 PM – 2:20 PM
Title: The Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Arab Financial Institutions
Presenter: Abdulsadek Hassan
2:20 PM – 2:30 PM
Title: Shariah Resolutions and Issues on Islamic Repo
Presenter: Siti Nurah Bt Haron, Rusni Hassan and Syed Salman.
2:20 PM – 2:30 PM
Title: Enhancing Quality of Sustainability Reporting by Using Big Data Analytics: A conceptual framework based on stakeholder engagement
Presenter: Mohamed Serag
2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Title: An empirical investigation of the influence of the pandemic on Albanian Internet banking service usage
Presenter: Oltiana Muharremi Pelari and Meleq Hoxhaj
2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Title: Students Perceptions about Teaching in Smart Bahraini Universities
Presenter: Abdulsadek Hassan, Sumaya Sumaya Ali, Samar Mohamed, Omar Mahmoud and Asmaa Gooda
2:40 PM – 2:50 PM
Title: The Banking sector role against the risks of Currency Floating
Presenter: Mahmoud Mohamed El-Sayed Ibrahim and Nahla Ibrahim
2:40 PM – 2:50 PM
Title: E-learning: is the end of classic education?
Presenter: Ismail Mseer
2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
Question and Answer session
2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
Question and Answer session
Day Two - September 16, 2021
Session Five
Chair: Dr. Hala Zaidan, The University of Jordan, Jordan
08:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Conference Registration
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Keynote speaker 4: Dr. Ahmed Elamer, Brunel University London, UK
Keynote speech title: The Convergence of Big Data and Accounting
10:15 AM – 10:20 AM
Question and Answer session
10:20 AM – 10:35 AM
Keynote speaker 5: Prof Khaled Hussainey, Professor of Accounting and Financial Management, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth, UK
Keynote speech title: Industry 4 Disclosure and Corporate Performance
10:35 AM – 10:40 AM
Question and Answer session
10:40 AM – 10:55 AM
Keynote speaker 6: Prof. Amer Al Roubaie, Ahlia University, Accounting Finance and Banking Department, Bahrain
Keynote speech title: Digital Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Conversion in the Gulf Countries
10:55 AM – 11:00 AM
Question and Answer session
11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Session Five
Chair: Dr. Hala Zaidan, The University of Jordan, Jordan
Session Six
Chair: Dr. Anas Al-Qudah, Emirates College of Technology, UAE
11:10 AM – 11:20 AM
Title: Effect of Adopting the Criterion of Revenue from Contracts with Clients on Accounting Conservatism
Presenter: Ahmed Abdalla Khalil Abdo, Nahla Mohamad El Sayed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Mohamed Elsayed Ibrahim, Abdalwali Lutfi
11:10 AM – 11:20 AM
Title: Computing Financial Performance of Road Freight Transportation (Trucking) Industry in India using Mathematical Tool
Presenter: Mahendra Parihar and Nagaraju Dasari
11:20 AM – 11:30 AM
Title: Influence of Liquidity, Solvency on Banks’ Profitability: The Moderating Role of Net Revenues
Presenter: Hala Zaidan, Hiba Abu Hijleh, Hamzah Al Mawali, Abdul Rahman Al Natour and Manaf Al-Okaily
11:20 AM – 11:30 AM
Title: The use of artificial intelligence in the field of electronic commerce
Presenter: Abdulsadek Hassan and Nader Abdulkhaleq
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
Title: Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards and Earnings Management: A Review
Presenter: Zakeya Sanad, Radha Shiwakoti
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
Title: The role of artificial intelligence in entrepreneurship
Presenter: Abdulsadek Hassan and Abdulla Al Moaraj
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
Title: Corporate Governance and Real Earnings Management: The Role of The Audit Committee Characteristics
Presenter: Mohammad Hussein Rahahleh, Norfadzilah Rashid and Ahmad Husni Bin Hamzah
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
Title: Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Implications for Information Systems Research, Case study UAE companies
Presenter: Anas Al-Qudah
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM
Title: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Financial Performance of Banks Listed on the PEX and the ASE
Presenter: Abdulnaser Nour, Muiz Abu Alia and Manar Balout
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Question and Answer session
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Question and Answer session
Session Seven
Chair: Dr. Rami Abu Wadi, Ahlia University, Bahrain
Session Eight
Chair: Dr. Fadi Hassan Shihadeh, Technical University, Palestine
12:10 PM – 12:20 PM
Title: The Impact of Fintech Phenomenon on Economic Development: The Case of Bahrain
Presenter: Zainab Shaikh, Rami Abu Wadi and Ebtisam Almahari
12:10 PM – 12:20 PM
Title: Zakat Banking: Giving Loans Without Interest
Presenter: Abdul Malek Talib
12:20 PM – 12:30 PM
Title: Behavioral and non-Behavioral Factors and the level of Adapting and Implementing Fintech and E-Banking in Bahrain: Suggested Model
Presenter: Zeena Sakhnini, Wajeeh Elali and Abdalmuttaleb Al-Sartawi
12:20 PM – 12:30 PM
Title: Ethical concerns in Artificial Intelligence (AI): The role of RegTech and Islamic finance
Presenter: Mustafa Raza Rabbani, Adel Sarea, Shahnawaz Khan and Yomna Abdullah
12:30 PM – 12:40 PM
Title: The Impact of MIS on Business Sustainability
Presenter: Abdulkaeem Seyadi, Fatema Al Zayani, Eman Salem and Sayed Mohammed Taleb
12:30 PM – 12:40 PM
Title: Taxation Framework for Sukuk in Malaysia and Indonesia
Presenter: Rusni Hassan and Mohd Syafiq Majid
12:50 PM – 1:00 PM
Title: The Impact of Digitalization on Managerial Accounting Roles
Presenter: Abdulla Munfaredi, Nuha Sulaiman, Rola Alkhatib and Rami Abu Wadi
12:50 PM – 1:00 PM
Title: Comparative Analysis of The Moroccan and Malaysian Takaful Regulatory Frameworks
Presenter: Mohamed Redouane Riad, Rusni Hassan and Syed Ahmed Salman
1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Title: Management Accounting in the Digital Era: Literature Review
Presenter: Atheer Alansari, Badreya Alqadhi, Aysha Aljawder and Rami Abu Wadi
1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Title: Proposed Shariah Governance Framework in Government Linked Investment Companies: a study on Permodalan Nasional Berhad
Presenter: Shafiq Ab Nasir and Rusni Hassan
1:10 PM – 1:20 PM
Question and Answer session
1:10 PM – 1:20 PM
Question and Answer session
Session Nine
Chair: Dr. Nadia Mansour, Salamanca, Spain
Session Ten
Chair: Dr. Araby Madbouly, Muscat College, Oman
1:20 PM – 1:30 PM
Title: Social media as a Tool for Health Communication: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Maryam Husain Almahdi and Basma Salah Raees
1:20 PM – 1:30 PM
Title: The Digital Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Conversion in the Gulf Countries
Presenter: Amer Al-Roubaie
1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Title: The Role of Social Responsibility in the Digital Public Relations Age
Presenter: Faheema Mohamed
1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Title: An overview of key sustainability theories, regulations and S ERP for business education, business research and digital business practitioners
Presenter: Carmen Olsen
1:40 PM – 1:50 PM
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility: Deconstructing a Conceptual Muddle
Presenter: Nadia Abu Zaher
1:40 PM – 1:50 PM
Title: Innovation and Economic Diversification – Which has impact on another? The Case of Oman
Presenter: Abdullah Awaidi and Araby Madbouly
1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
Title: Crowdsourced Technology as A Collabarative Tool for Environmental Enforcement: A Critical Review of Current Applications
Presenter: Mohamed Al-Qassim, Weifeng Chen
1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
Title: Digital entrepreneurship roadmap: an interview with a serial digital entrepreneur
Presenter: Wei Ying Chong and Bak Aun Teoh
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Title: Factor Affecting Environmental Enforcement Effectivness: A Critical Review
Presenter: Mohamed Al-Qassim, Weifeng Chen
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Title: Digital Innovation in The Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
Presenter: Suad Altaei, Amer Al Roubaie and Fahad Khaled Alkhaldi
2:10 PM – 2:20 PM
Question and Answer session
2:10 PM – 2:20 PM
Question and Answer session
2:20 PM – 3:30 PM
Lunch Break
Session Eleven
Chair: Dr. Azzam Hannoon, American University in the Emirates, UAE
Session Twelve
Chair: Dr. Manaf Al-Okaily, Jadara University, Jordan
3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Title: Financial Performance Analysis of Firms: A Focus on Oil and Gas Industry Sustainable Practices in Oman
Presenter: Abrar Al Alawi, Fadi Abdel Fattah and Mohammed Dulal
3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Title: Competition between Cryptocurrency and Fiat Currency: Control over the Future of Global Economy
Presenter: Syed Mohammad Yawar and Rahul Shaw
3:40 PM – 3:50 PM
Title: How the Innovation Performance in GCC HEIs is affected by the Knowledge Management in the Era of Knowledge Economy
Presenter: Sameh Reyad and Araby Madbouly A. Hussain
3:40 PM – 3:50 PM
Title: Determinants of the Cashless Payment Systems Acceptance in Developing Countries: Evidence from Jordanian Public Sector Employees
Presenter: Hamza Alqudah, Abdul Rahman Al Natour, Mahmoud Al-Kofahi, Mohd Shaari Abd Rahman, Thaer Ahmad Abutaber, and Manaf Al-Okaily
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM
Title: Computing Causality Between Macro-Economic Indicators and Indian Financial Markets
Presenter: Abhay Kumar, Mahendra Parihar, Shrishti Bansal, Sanket Chavan, Saachi Kotadia and Shashwat Shankar
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM
Title: Libra Currency and its Global Financial and Economic Impact
Presenter: Saad Darwish, Abul Aziz Abdul Rahman and Abdul Rahman Meero
4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Title: Implication of Cyber Security in A Digital Economy: Learning From Corporate Sector With Special Reference To Bfsi
Presenter: Ajitabh Ambastha, Mahendra Parihar and Piyush Patil
4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Title: The innovation resistance theory: the case of cryptocurrencies
Presenter: Farah Shishan, Hazar Hmoud, Hala Zaidan and Zainah Qasem
4:10 PM – 4:20 PM
Question and Answer session
4:10 PM – 4:20 PM
Question and Answer session
Conference Closing Session
4:30 PM – 4:40 PM
ICGER 2021 Closing Remarks: Dr. Abdalmuttaleb M.A. Musleh Al-Sartawi, Conference Chair and Editor, Ahlia University, Bahrain
4:40 PM – 4:50 PM
Awards and Certificates